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But that's only part of the family dynamic on display in Modern Family The muchlauded ABC show (it has taken home 22 Emmys, including five straight Emmys for Outstanding Comedy Series between 10 and 14), done in a quasidocumentary format, focuses on three interrelated West Coast families loosely helmed by patriarch Jay Pritchett The show concerns itself, as advertised, with a modern family—in this case the extended brood of Jay Pritchett, a wisecracking suburban patriarch with a preposterously hot second wife, Gloria Although Modern Family is produced by ABC, the real house's address is just a stone's throw away from Fox Studios In the world of Modern Family, Mitch and Cam actually live down the road from the Dunphys RELATED Modern Family 10 Of Haley's Biggest Mistakes Living so close to each other allows Mitch and Claire to help one another out (along with Cameron and Phil to get Modern Family S Ty Burrell On Series Finale Beautiful Torture Of Filming It Ew Com Jay pr...

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